Monday, December 15, 2014

Balloons, Banners and Blasphemy

I am not cut out for this at all. Or at least I wasn't. I'm the one who drank too much and partied too hard. I'm the one that snuck a secret (well, not so secret anymore) cigarette when the kids were dozing. Now all I want to do is nap or burn all the crap in my house so I don't have to clean it. I really hope we don't have a fire now because the insurance company sure as hell won't believe me after they get wind of this. How did I end up responsible for so many lives when, not 9 years ago, I wasn't even responsible enough to take care of my own life?

At 4am I got a call from Mom and we got to hang out at the ER for a couple of hours. She's okay, thankfully. It's an Alzheimer's thing for another day. At 7 The Baby had to be at pre op for tubes so he could here out of both ears instead of one (no excuses now, Buddy). It's also H's 5th birthday today. Luckily Willie is a much better parent than I am and hung streamers and wrote a note for him on the bathroom mirror. I did let him know that the dollar store has balloons after 7 years of him begging Safeway to give him a $7 balloon at 10pm. I reminded him to re hang the 'birthday' part of our birthday banner that's still up from M's birthday in October. I also took our Halloween decorations down today. I'm not entirely useless.

I have a 5 year old. And an 8 year old. And a 1 year old. Somehow.

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