Monday, November 17, 2014

66 Years in 3 Days

Tomorrow is the next 'Big Day'. We've had quite a few of these lately. I'm hoping after this last thing gets taken care of, things can slow down a bit. I want to have movie nights with the kids and bake things. I don't know what I want to bake or even how to bake but I want to do it. I also want to learn to knit. I have high expectations. All of those things require being home early enough and long enough. Tomorrow I start cleaning out Mom's old apartment. My incredible aunt, who I've been lucky enough to have a wonderful relationship with, came up from Southern California to help me. We have 30 days to finish but I only have her for three. Dad is in Southern California helping his parents out. They recently went on hospice and I know he wants to be with them for as many moments as he can. That being said, the next three days of cleaning will be done with a wild 1 year old in tow and a crazy 4 year old. Mom's iPad will only work for one of them. Hint: not the one who can be reasoned with and bribed. Play dates are a godsend. One day I will find a way to thank my community (especially my tribe) for everything they have done for me. I'm normally a decaf coffee drinker but I think I may need the leaded stuff tomorrow. Have I mentioned I have terrible ADHD? I could use all the lucks you have to spare.

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